New & Pre-Owned PerkinElmer Clarus GC with TurboMatrix Headspace Sampler and the TotalChrom Data System.
Set up for Residual Solvent Analysis in Flexible Packaging Materials.
Turn-Key Headspace GC Systems includes:
- PerkinElmer Clarus GC 120 V.
- Single Capillary Split/Splitless Injector and Single FID
- Electronic control of all pressures and flows
- PerkinElmer TurboMatrix Headspace Autosamplers
- PerkinElmer TotalChrom Chromatography Data Package with Dell PC, and Laser Printer
- Turnkey Residual Solvent Application – Optimized to reporting results directly in Mg/Ream or Mg/Sq. Meter
- On-Site Operator Training
- Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Documentation