Hands-on Gas Chromatography and Headspace GC-MS Training Programs

ChromLab on-site technical support services ensure that your GC and data system is set up and performing correctly. These include:

  • GC installation
  • Operator Training
  • Application set up and checkout
  • Data system method optimization & calibration
  • Preventive maintenance

Learn more about ChromLab’s training service, the systems we support and Headspace GC Supplies for purchase.

Burton S. Todd, Technical Director of ChromLab has provided gas chromatography expertise to Fortune 500 and other companies, large and small, for over 35 years. He started out in the pharmaceutical industry at Merck and in analytical R&D at McNeil Laboratories followed by 23 years with PerkinElmer as a senior product specialist in gas chromatography, liquid chromatography and GC-MS.